Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Two awards given to group members at ICRC2021

18.08.2021|11:16 Uhr|Karl-Heinz Kampert

Alex Kääpä's presentation has been promoted to a plenary highlight talk and Eric Mayotte's presentation was awarded with the "Best Contributed Talk" prize. Congratulations to both for this great achievement!

The 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference is the most important conference in Astroparticle Physics. Due to the pandemic, the ICRC2021 was conducted as an online meeting and it attracted 1800 participants from around the globe.

Among the 1300 contributed papers, a few were promoted to become plenary highlight talks. The paper about the Transition from Galactic to Extragalactic Cosmic Rays, presented by Alex Kääpä as part of his PhD work was one of these.

Eric Mayotte presented his work about finding an Indication of a mass-dependent Cosmic Ray anisotropy above 10^{18.7} eV in the data of The Pierre Auger Observatory. The proceedings can be downloaded here.

Congratulations to both for this great achievement!


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