GETA: Astroparticlephysics part
Lecture Mon + Thu 14:15 F.13.11
Exercise Fri. 14:00 F.13.17
Wusel entry of the lecture and exercise.
Contents of Astroparticle part:
- General introduction to AT and connection to accelerator based and theoretical particle physics (27.11.2017)
- Astronomical sources of (ultra high) energetic particles (30.11.2017)
- Propagation from the sources to Earth (04.12.2017)
- Interactions in propagation (07.12.2017)
- Propagation of nuclei and magnetic fields (11.12.2017)
- Propagation fits of source features to observables
- Extensive Airshower - longitudinal and lateral development and effect of the primary (14.12.2017)
- Dark Matter - cosmological & astronomical evidence (22.01.2018, slides, script)
- Dark Matter - candidates (25.01.2018) & detection (29.01.2018)
- Neutrino astronomy (01.02.2018)
Exercises (hand in on Thursday before the discussion before 10am via email or post-box at F.11.14):
- Cosmic ray spectrum and cosmic accelerators (01.12.2017)
- Spectrum and propagation (08.12.2017)
- Age of cosmic rays and horizont (15.12.2017 and presence)
- Dark Matter and Neutrinos (02.02.2018)
C. Grupen: Astroteilchenphysik (Vieweg)
Klapdor-Kleingrothaus & Zuber: Teilchenastrophysik (Teubner)
T. Stanev: High-Energy Cosmic Rays (Springer)
T.K. Gaisser, R Engel, E. Resconi: Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics (Cambridge Univ. Press)
D. Perkins: Particle Astrophysics (Oxford Master Series)
Geschichte: arxiv-1207.4827