kick-off of the Astrophysics Centre for Multimessenger studies in Europe (ACME)
kick-off of the Astrophysics Centre for Multimessenger studies in Europe (ACME)
Photon-likeness of hadron showers and impact of Lorentz boosting
Jannis Pawlowsky, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Julian Rautenberg
Astrophys. J. (2025) in press; arXiv:2407.18318
Simulating radio emission from particle cascades with CORSIKA 8
J.M. Alameddine, J. Albrecht, J. Ammerman-Yebra, L. Arrabito,A.A. Alves Jr., D. Baack, A. Coleman, H. Dembinski, D. Els.sser, R. Engel, A. Faure, A. Ferrari, C. Gaudu, C. Glaser, M. Gottowik, D. Heck, T. Huege, K.H. Kampert, N. Karastathis, L. Nellen, T. Pierog, R. Prechelt, M. Reininghaus, W. Rhode, F. Riehn, M. Sackel, P. Sampathkumar, A. Sandrock, J. Soedingrekso, R. Ulrich
Astroparticle Physics 166 (2025) 103072
Improvements in charged lepton and photon propagation for the software PROPOSAL
Jean-Marco Alameddine, Johannes Albrecht, Hans Dembinski, Pascal Gutjahr, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Wolfgang Rhode, Maximilian Sackel, Alexander Sandrock, Jan Soedingrekso
Computer Physics Communications 302 (2024) 109243
Modified Temperature-Redshift Relation and Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Ray Propagation
Janning Meinert, Leonel Morejón, Alexander Sandrock, Björn Eichmann, Jonas Kreidelmeyer, Karl-Heinz Kampert; Astrophys. J. 967 (2024) 2, 154; arXiv:2309.08451
Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays - The Intersection of the Cosmic and Energy Frontiers
A. Coleman et al., White Paper submitted to the US Community Study on the Future of Particle Physics (Snowmass 2021); Astropart. Phys. 47 (2023) 102794; arXiv:2205.05845
Simulation of deflection uncertainties on directional reconstructions of muons using PROPOSAL
Pascal Gutjahr, Jean-Marco Alameddine, Alexander Sandrock, Jan Soedingrekso, Mirco Hünnefeld, and Wolfgang Rhode
Eur.Phys.J.C 82 (2022) 12, 1143; arXiv:2208.11902
Shadowing effects in the diffractive scattering of virtual photons on nuclei and its interference with the process of bremsstrahlung
A. Sandrock, Eur.Phys.J.C 82 (2022) 12, 1157
CRPropa 3.2 – an advanced framework for high-energy particle propagation in extragalactic and galactic spaces
Rafael Alves Batista, Julia Becker Tjus, Julien Dörner, Andrej Dundovic, Björn Eichmann, Antonius Frie, Christoph Heiter, Mario R. Hoerbe, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Lukas Merten, Gero Müller, Patrick Reichherzer, Andrey Saveliev, Leander Schlegel, Günter Sigl, Arjen van Vliet, David Walz, Tobias Winchen
JCAP 09 (2022) 035; arXiv:2208.00107
Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era – A review
A. Addazi et al.,
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 103948 (2022); arXiv:2111.05659
The Muon Puzzle in cosmic-ray induced air showers and its connection to the Large Hadron Collider
Johannes Albrecht, Lorenzo Cazon, Hans Dembinski, Anatoli Fedynitch, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Tanguy Pierog, Wolfgang Rhode, Dennis Soldin, Bernhard Spaan, Ralf Ulrich, and Michael Unger
Astrophys. Space Sci. 367, 27 (2022) ; arXiv:2105.06148
Hunting super-heavy dark matter with ultra-high energy photons
Luis A. Anchordoqui, Corinne Bérat, Mario E. Bertaina, Antonella Castellina, Olivier Deligny, Ralph Engel, Glennys R. Farrar, Piera L. Ghia, Dan Hooper, Oleg Kalashev, Mikhail Kuznetsov, Marcus Niechciol, Angela V. Olinto, Philipp Papenbreer, Lorenzo Perrone, Julian Rautenberg, Andrés Romero-Wolf, Pierpaolo Savina, Tonia M. Venters
Astropart. Phys. 132 (2021) 102614; arxiv:2105.12895
Refractive displacement of the radio-emission footprint of inclined air showers simulated with CoREAS
Felix Schlüter, Marvin Gottowik, Tim Huege, Julian Rautenberg
The European Physical Journal C 80 (2020) 643; arXiv:2005.06775
Open questions in cosmic-ray research at ultrahigh energies
Rafael Alves Batista, Jonathan Biteau, Mauricio Bustamante, Klaus Dolag, Ralph Engel, Ke Fang, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Dmitriy Kostunin, Miguel Mostafa, Kohta Murase, Foteini Oikonomou, Angela V. Olinto, Mikhail I. Panasyuk, Guenter Sigl, Andrew Taylor, and Michael Unger
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 6:23 (2019): arXiv:arXiv:1903.06714
Predictions for the flux of high-energy cosmogenic neutrinos and the influence of the extragalactic magnetic field
David Wittkowski and Karl-Heinz Kampert
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 488 (2019) no.1, L119-L122; arXiv:1810.03769
On the absolute energy scale of extensive air showers via radio emission: systematic uncertainty of underlying first-principle calculations
MarvinGottowik, Christian Glaser, Tim Huege, Julian Rautenberg
Astropart. Phys. 103 (2018) 87; arXiv:1712.07442
Production and propagation of ultra-high energy photons using CRPropa 3
Christopher Heiter, Daniel Kuempel, David Walz, Martin Erdmann
Astropart. Phys. 102 (2018) 39, arXiv:1710.11406
On the Anisotropy in the Arrival Directions of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays
David Wittkowski and Karl-Heinz Kampert
ApJL 824 (2018) L3; arXiv:1710.05617
Astrophysical interpretation of small-scale neutrino angular correlation searches with IceCube
Martin Leuermann, Michael Schimp, Christopher H. Wiebusch
Astropart. Phys. 83 (2016) 21
CRPropa 3 – a Public Astrophysical Simulation Framework for Propagating Extraterrestrial Ultra-High Energy Particles
Rafael Alves Batista, Andrej Dundovic, Martin Erdmann, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Daniel Kuempel, Gero Müller, Guenter Sigl, Arjen van Vliet, David Walz, Tobias Winchen
JCAP 05 (2016) 038; arXiv:1603.07142
First Experimental Characterization of Microwave Emission from Cosmic Ray Air Showers
R. Smida, ..., D. Fuhrmann, K.-H. Kampert, S. Mathys, J. Rautenberg, et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 221101 (2014)
Asymmetry of the angular distribution of Cherenkov photons of extensive air showers induced by the geomagnetic field
P. Homola, R. Engel, H. Wilczynski
Astropart. Phys. 60 (2014) 47-53
Cosmic rays from the ankle to the cutoff
Karl-Heinz Kampert and Peter Tinyakov
Comptes Rendus Physique 15 (2014) 318-328; arXiv:1405.0575
CRPropa 2.0 - a Public Framework for Propagating High Energy Nuclei, Secondary Gamma Rays and Neutrinos
Karl-Heinz Kampert, Jörg Kulbartz, Luca Maccione, Nils Nierstenhöfer, Peter Schiffer, Günter Sigl, Arjen René van Vliet
Astropart. Phys. 42 (2013) 41-51; arXiv:1206.3132
Das Pierre Auger Observatorium: Teilchenstrahlungen aus dem Kosmos
Karl-Heinz Kampert
VDI Ingenieur Forum 4/2012, 30-32
A beginning investigation into the possible role of cosmic rays in the initiation of lightning discharges at the Pierre Auger Observatory
W.C. Brown, J.R. Dywer, A. Huangs, P.R. Krehbiel, W. Rison, R.J. Thomas, H. Edens, L. Niemitz and J. Rautenberg
EPJ Plus (2012) 127; 95
Studies of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays look to the future
Karl-Heinz Kampert, Masaki Fukushima
CERN Courier 52/6 (2012) 22-25
Extensive Air Showers and Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays: A Historical Review
Karl-Heinz Kampert and Alan A. Watson
The European Physical Journal H 37 (2012) 359-412; arXiv:1207.4827
Radio galaxies of the local universe - All-sky catalog, luminosity functions, and clustering
Sjoert van Velzen, Heino Falcke, Pim Schellart, Nils Nierstenhöfer, and Karl-Heinz Kampert
A&A 544, A18 (2012); arXiv:1206.0031
Measurements of the Cosmic Ray Composition with Air Shower Experiments
Karl-Heinz Kampert and Michael Unger
Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 660-678; arXiv:1201.0018
Systematic uncertainties in air shower measurements from high-energy hadronic interaction models
R.D. Parsons, C. Bleve, S.S. Ostapchenko, and J. Knapp,
Astropart. Phys. 34 (2011) 832-839; arXiv:1102.4603
FPGA Based Signal-Processing for Radio Detection of Cosmic Rays
Adrian Schmidt, Hartmut Gemmeke, Andreas Haungs, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Christoph Ruehle, Zbigniew Szadkowski
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58 (2011) 1621-1627
A fast Embedded System for Radio Detection of Cosmic Rays
H. Gemmeke, M. Scherer, M. Balzer, A. Herth, A. Menshikov, C. Rühle, A. Schmidt, K.-H. Becker, K.-H. Kampert, and A. Haungs, for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
IEEE (2010) 722-729
Auf der Suche nach den kosmischen Beschleunigern - Die höchstenergetischen Teilchen des Universums
Karl-Heinz Kampert,
OUTPUT Magazin I/2009, 6-10
The 3rd Generation Front-End Cards of the Pierre Auger Surface Detectors: Test Results and Performance in the Field
Z. Szadkowski, T. Bäcker, K.-H. Becker, P. Buchholz, I. Fleck, K.-H. Kampert, I. Rammes, J. Rautenberg, O. Tascau
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 606 (2009) 439-445
Puzzling hot spots in the cosmic ray sky
K.-H. Kampert,
Invited Viewpoint by the APS Journals, Physics 1, 37 (2008)
Geometry reconstruction of fluorescence detetctors revisited
D. Kuempel. K.-H. Kampert, M. Risse
Astropart. Phys. 30 (2008) 167-174; arXiv:0806.4523
Addendum: Ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray bounds on nonbirefringent modified Maxwell theory
F.R. Klinkhamer, M. Risse
Phys. Rev. D77 (2008) 117901: arXiv:0806.4351
Ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray bounds on nonbirefringent modified Maxwell theory
F.R. Klinkhamer, M. Risse
Phys. Rev. D77 (2008) 016002: arXiv:0709.2502
Search for ultra-high energy photons using air showers
Markus Risse, Piotr Homola
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 22 (2007) 749 - 766astro-ph/0702632
Qualification tests of the 11000 photomultipliers for the Pierre Auger observatory fluorescence detectors
K.-H. Becker, A. Behrmann, F. Bracci, C. Delle Fratte, P. Facal San Luis, Ch. Fontaine, H. Geenen, D. Guerin, S. Hartmann, K.-H. Kampert, P. Lavoute, G. Matthiae, P. Petrinca, P. Privitera, J. Rodriguez Martino, G. Salina, V. Scherini, V. Verzi, U. Weischer, Ch. Wiebusch
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A576 (2007) 301-311
16-point discrete Fourier transform based on the Radix-2 FFT algorithm implemented into cyclone FGPA as the UHECR trigger for horizontal air showers in the Pierre Auger Observatory
Z. Szadkowski
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A560 (2006) 309-316
Development of a new first level trigger for surface array in the Pierre Auger Observatory based on the Cyclone Altera FPGA
Z. Szadkowski, K.-H. Becker, K.-H. Kampert
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A545 (2005) 793-802
The concept of an ACEX cost-effective first level surface detector trigger in the Pierre Auger Observatory
Z. Szadkowski
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A551 (2005) 477-486
Earth-Skimming UHE tau neutrinos at the Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
C. Aramo, A. Insolia, A. Leonardi, G. Miele, L. Perrone, O. Pisanti, D.V. Semikoz
Astroparticle Physics 23 (2005) 65; astro-ph/0407638