Performance qualification of the DIRICH readout system and development of a novel electron reconstruction scheme for the CBM experiment
Pavish Subramani (März 2025) -
Yang-Mills Thermodynamics of Photons and Its Application in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Janning Meinert (März 2025) -
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays: their source and target properties
David Wittkowski (März 2025) -
Faint signatures in IceCube
Timo Stürwald (November 2024) -
Search for inclined photon induced air showers with the AugerPrime Radio Detector
Jannis Pawlowsky (Oktober 2024) -
Characterization of the new DiRICH readout chain for the CBM/HADES RICH detectors
Vivek Patel (März 2024) -
Permittivity reconstruction and radio-propagation simulations to guide sub-surface radar exploration of ice moons and terrestrial glaciers for the Enceladus Explorer project
Alexander Luke Kyriacou (August 2023) - Detector Performance and Upgrades of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Sven Querchfeld (Juni 2023)
Study of High Energy Steeply Up-going Air Showers with the Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Ioana-Alexandra Caracas (September 2022) -
Propagation in the Galactic magnetic field – Effects on the spectrum, composition and anisotropy of Galactic and extragalactic cosmic rays
Alex Kääpä (Januar 2022) -
Upgrade of the HADES RICH photon detector and first performance analyses
Jörg Förtsch (September 2021)
[DOI: 10.25926/69gp-b484] [noah.nrw] -
Study of the Cosmic Ray Composition Sensitivity of AugerPrime – Probing the Prospects of the Upgrade to the Pierre Auger Observatory with a Deep Learning Approach
Sonja Mayotte (Juli 2021)
[DOI: 10.25926/99h7-fc44] [noah.nrw] -
Radio Hybrid Reconstruction and Analysis of Inclined Air Showers with AERA of the Pierre Auger Observatory - Measuring the Hadronic Shower Development and Cosmic Ray Mass Composition
Marvin Gottowik (Mai 2021)
[DOI: 10.25926/21hw-wq22] [noah.nrw] -
Search for Ultra-High-Energy Photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Philipp Papenbreer (November 2020)
[DOI: 10.25926/h3hs-t241] [noah.nrw] -
Optimization of the CBM-RICH detector geometry and its use for the reconstruction of neutral mesons using conversion method
Ievgenii Kres (January 2019)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20190408-114416-1] [noah.nrw] -
Optimization of the AERA data at the Pierre Auger Observatory - Developing a new interface for data handling and improving the radio reconstruction based on data measured by fluorescence telescopes
Sebastian Mathys (Dezember 2018)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20190402-104804-2] [noah.nrw] -
Lightning Detection at the Pierre-Auger-Observatory
Lukas Niemietz (August 2017)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20171012-105730-3] [noah.nrw] -
Search for Ultra-High Energy Photons with the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Nicole Krohm (März 2017)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20171106-114225-8] [noah.nrw] -
Characterisation of photon sensors for the CBM-RICH and its use for the reconstruction of neutral mesons via conversion
Sascha Reinecke (September 2016)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20161219-111029-6] [noah.nrw] -
Constraints to UHE cosmic ray source scenarios with all the major observables of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Biswajit Sarkar (November 2015)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20160503-105034-2] [noah.nrw] -
Cosmic Rays and the Atmospheric Electric Field: Reconstruction and Data Analysis of Radio Emission from Air Showers at the Auger Engineering Radio Array
Jens Neuser (November 2015)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20160205-112223-7] [noah.nrw] -
Development of a prototype camera and Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the CBM-RICH detector
Jan Martin Kopfer (Februar 2014)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20140515-122625-5] [noah.nrw] -
Cosmic ray anisotropy study with the AMANDA Neutrino Telescope
Maria Gurtner (September 2013)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20131217-112856-9] [noah.nrw] -
KASCADE-Grande Measurements of Energy Spectra for Elemental Groups of Cosmic Rays
Daniel Fuhrmann (März 2012)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20120515-141648-9] [noah.nrw] -
On the Origin and Propagation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
Nils Nierstenhöfer (Juni 2011)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20110929-114234-2] [noah.nrw] -
Multivariate Search for a Directional Excess of EeV Photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Daniel Kümpel (März 2011)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20110512-121703-5] [noah.nrw] -
HADES - an acoustic sensor for neutrino detection in ice
Benjamin Semburg (März 2011)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20110324-132510-8] [noah.nrw] -
On a prototype detector for the radio emission from air showers at the South Pole
Jan Auffenberg (März 2010)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20100923-124332-7] [noah.nrw] -
Hardware Integration of the AMANDA into the IceCube Neutrino Telescope and Search for Supersymmetric Particles with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope
Andreas Tepe (August 2009)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090824] [noah.nrw] -
Study of the performance of the Pierre Auger Observatory and search for primary cosmic-ray photons
Viviana Scherini (November 2007)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070890] [noah.nrw] -
Reconstruction of the Primary Energy Spectrum from Florescence Telescope Data of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Heiko Geenen (Juli 2007)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070880] [noah.nrw] -
Verbesserung der Winkelauflösung des Myonspurdetektors von KASCADE und Bestimmung von Myonproduktionshöhen
Ralf Obenland (Januar 2004, Uni Karlsruhe) -
Der astrophysikalische p-Prozess: Experimente und Konsequenzen für die Häufigkeitsverteilung
Wolfgang Rapp (Dezember 2003, Uni Karlsruhe) -
Suche nach Ansiotropie in der kosmischen Strahlung mit dem KASCADE-Experiment
Gernot Maier (Oktober 2003, Uni Karlsruhe) -
Untersuchungen zum primären Energiespektrum der kosmischen Strahlung im PeV-Bereich mit dem KASCADE-Experiment
Holger Ulrich (Oktober 2003, Uni Karlsruhe) -
Suche nach TeV-Blazaren mit dem HEGRA-System der abbildenden Cherenkov-Teleskope
Heidrun Bojahr (Juli 2003, Uni Wuppertal)
[urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20030300] [noah.nrw] -
Untersuchungen von Myonlateralverteilungen und Myonproduktionshöhen in ausgedehnten Luftschauern
Claudia Büttner (Juni 2003, Uni Karlsruhe) -
Untersuchungen unbegleiteter Hadronen der kosmischen Strahlung im Bereich bis zu einem PeV
Markus Müller (Juni 2003, Uni Karlsruhe)